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Quantum  Battle Angel Talisman

Spiritual warfare is a term given to any kind of interaction between good and evil.

Some might call it the battle of light and darkness, or angels versus demons. It's a spiritual battle that's going on all the time, all around us, wherever the presence of God-goodness is coming into contact with anything less than God. Good and evil cannot co-exist. God is everywhere on earth, and evil is, sadly, nearly everywhere in varying degrees.

The dark forces pull out all the stops to trick us out of our good intentions, and it is only by our soul's determination to succeed and by the grace of God's assistance that we can get back on track.

Without your spiritual armor on tight (the light of God sealed around you), it's easy to fall prey to a spiritual attack.

These so-called attacks don't have to be very in-your-face. In fact, they work better when they aren't obvious because you're less likely to do anything about it. Cunning and subtle methods cause us to accept an intrusion into our world as 'the way things are' or 'just part of our personality’.

It's important to recognize when we need to call to God to take care of that negative energy. Praying for discernment is key, as well as just simply practicing.

Spiritual warfare is really one of the greatest blessings we have. We don't have to wallow in the darkness, we can call for spiritual protection from the forces of light and they will fight back and raise us out of whatever negative state of mind or being we are in.

Quantum battle angel talisman is an incredible tool for both protection and the fence it utilizes the principles of advanced martial arts.

Based on the philosophy of Jeet Kune Do and wing Chung it allows the user to both shields in attack simultaneously when in a battle magic confrontation. No longer are you limited to setting up a block and then trying to counter the counterattacked is initiated immediately as soon as the confrontation begins.

Includes a RAD Plate that allows you to shield your family

Remote shield your home and car

All from a simple easy to use Interface

The enemy has changed its tactics and so have we!!!!

Use this shield to:

Protect your family 
Protect your pets
Protect your home
Protect your neighborhood 
Protect your school
Protect your pool
Protect your car

This product includes a Radionics plate designed to disrupt any attacks on yourself or others.

A Radionic talisman that you can carry with you at all times.

An audio Talisman that can be played on an MP3 player computer.

If you are a targeted individual and you were looking for relief this is the product for you. It forms a scalar wave shield using advanced metaphysical technologies. There are many entities in the world putting things in the air in the cell phones in the food that prevent you from accessing your true abilities. They don't want you to have the power that was given to you take it back now.

Product include:
1 Digital Talisman
1 Audio Talisman
PDF instructions

It is time for freedom.

Buy now and free yourself from this holographic bondage!!!!

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