Starting from:


Quantum Holographic Medical Healing Technology Pro

Warning this is an extremely powerful Reality programming tool.

(Real World Manifestation Tools to improve your life)


This is one of the most complicated products I've ever created

This product is amazing and combines excellent subliminal programming, spiritual power, and powerful healing frequencies all in one product.

This high vibrational product allows you to tap into your dormant metaphysical abilities.

A basic understanding of Radionics is required. 

Warning this is a powerful Radionic Tool. This is not a toy!

What is a hologram?
A hologram (pronounced HOL-o-gram ) is a three-dimensional image created with photographic projection. The term is taken from the Greek words holos (whole) and gramma (message). Unlike 3-D or virtual reality on a two-dimensional computer display, a hologram is a three-dimensional, free-standing image that does not simulate spatial depth or require a special viewing device. Holograms could be transmitted electronically to a unique display device in your home and business.

What is a med bed?
A med bed is a healing bed designed to increase the vibrational energy of the human body to stimulate healing.

What does morphic field mean?
A Morphic field is an energy field that defines the entire biology of all living beings. It provides a force field that guides the development and behvaiour of an organism as it grows. Morphic fields are reinforced by successive generations, and they are not fixed.

What are morphogenic abilities?
Morphogenetic fields are the organizing blueprints of things, especially living things or things with sentience potential, schematics detailed right down to the atomic structure. This, the user can manipulate life in various ways with this power.

Morphogenesis of the Stem Cell 
Tissue stem cells are responsible for the formation and maintenance of organs, from the muscle to the brain. As such, their behaviour has to be tightly regulated, during development to adult life and ageing, including under a variety of internal or environmental challenges. Stem cells are found in a closely associated microenvironment, the niche. Niches represent the sum of cellular components, chemical signals and physical cues in close vicinity of the stem cells. They support stem cell function in many ways, including maintenance, survival, proliferation and sensing of extrinsic cues, either local (from the tissue itself) or systemic (from distant organs and the environment). As such they constitute a crucial player in the regulation of stem cell activity.

What is Holographic Healing manifestation?

This is an eight-step meditative process:
1. Focus your attention on your health issue
2. Locate and feel it in the body, how big, how small
3. Describe it is it the 
Is it deeper superficial?
Is it heavy or light?
What color would it be? (every emotion and thought has a color)red is anger; Blue is depression; yellow is fear
4. Detach it from the body and see it in front of the eyes
5. What is the story behind the issue?
6. What is the message in the lesson positive intent 
there is a positive intent behind every negative event
7. Transforming old images of problems into new images of solutions. See the color and form of the solution free from all limitations. 
8. Let the old image merge into the new image, let the old image become smaller in size in the new image, and become larger and closer to you. Make the old image as small as a particle, see the new one come closer to you, and dissolve the old one.

The quantum holographic manifestation technology allows you to reprogram your reality, taking that negative reality that you live in and replacing that with the new holographic matrix. This tool includes a morphogenic gizmo talisman that allows you to access the morphogenic fields of stem cells in your body. Each talisman customize the energy field to synchronize with the user. 

The Pro Version allows you to connect  you holographic matrix and dissolve negative programing with audio Gizmo. 

The Extreme version has a advance, meditation, visualization technology for shifting your reality. The power-play in the extreme version has a time dilation technology that allows you to compress a five minute nap in to the healing time of one day, one week, one month or a year.

It is done so simply and so elegantly that you won't believe your eyes.

Don't be a puppet to the matrix create your new hologram and live the life you want.

The increase in energy level and clarity of mind and body are amazing.

This tool is excellent for:
Manifesting Your Future
Sending Gratitude
Amplifying Affirmations
Creating good Habits
Removing bad habits
Creating Abundance and prosperity in your life 
Manifesting Your Future

Product includes:
Stem cell Digital talisman
Instructional Video
Holographic Med Bed Power Plate 

Audio Gizmo
Powerful Graphical user interface
Preset for breath work training
Preset for willpower training
Preset for resistant training
Preset for coordination and agility
Preset for Magic Amp Up
Rapid healing and recovery
Strength training and muscle building
Scanner for injecting testosterone
Scan for missing minerals and vitamins efficiencies deficiencies
Scan for damaged organs for stem cell injection

People do not realize how important in life-changing good sleep is you can accomplish so much with just a little focus and deep sleep


This tool works well with other Psionic Warrior products, such as the corporate overwatch and Quantum Grid or Quantum Grid Prime prime. It also will work with other Radionics software as a filter or trend. This includes several different software such as easy rad and cyber shaman, to name a few. You can also use this with any Radionics box, such as a rad five machine, God Caster, or any of Karl Welz's devices.

This technology is licensed to the individual user and cannot be copied or distributed without the creator's permission. The technology also contains a remote-off switch which will allow the energy from the talisman to be turned off if a violation of the license agreement occurs. If you need help or are looking for a custom energy Talisman or spell casting, don't hesitate to Contact Me.

This Is Not Designed To, And Does Not, Provide Medical Advice. All Content (“Content”), Including Text, Graphics, Images, Files, And Information For General Informational Purposes Only.

The Content Is Not Intended To Be A Substitute For Professional Medical Advice, Diagnosis, Or Treatment. Never Disregard Professional Medical Advice, Or Delay In Seeking It, Because Of Something You Have Read In This Information. Never Rely On Information On This Product To Replace The Seeking Of Professional Medical Advice.

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