Mystic Cloner 2.0 allows you to clone 39 different energetic vibrations simultaneously and download these 30 metaphysical abilities to your ENERGY FIELD.
An energy field, or electric field, is a physics term used to describe the magnetic fields created in the space surrounding electrically charged particles. Because of our electrically charged particles, our cells and tissues generate electrical fields.
This is typically referred to as an “aura.”
Warning this product is for experimental use only.
The Mystic cloning system is designed to clone a person's subject’s Life Vibrance “aura,” Energy And transfer it after being filtered for your maximum benefit to yourself.
What is cloned (and not taken) are the "fortune remainder", drives, inspirations, relationship strategies and innate capacities.
Is designed to filter out the maximum amount of negative frequencies possible. This does not guarantee that all negative frequencies will be completely filtered.
Warning we are in no way responsible for any abilities that are cloned on you or any of your energetic targets
Welz' observations of-of remote action of orgone energy through a structural link provide the core principle around which many diverse phenomena (that are not congruent with conventional paradigms) can be understood - traditional forms of 'magic', remote healing, healing effects of prayer, telepathy, etc. More information about Welz' work and devices**can be found on his websites, such as:
www.welz.us and www.orgone.net
The filter is designed to remove all psychotic energies remove all negative belief structures that are non-beneficial to the user. Remove all psychotic tendencies. Remove all non-beneficial addictive tendencies. Remove all negative bad habits. Remove all non-beneficial spiritual belief structures. Remove all negative thought-forms. Remove any and all paranoid thought-forms. Remove any and all psychological delusions. Remove any and all negative mental blocks and belief structures.
Mystic Cloner 2.0 Pro
The Mystic Cloner 2.0 PRO software allows you to scan 10 different source individuals' energy templates simultaneously and send them to a target upgrading their metaphysical abilities.
The Pro Advanced plate allows you to target 16 different individuals simultaneously in clone durability into a holographic energy matrix. Each of the individuals has unique abilities that can be targeted with laser-like precision extracting only the necessary information that will be transferred to you. The plate software allows you to scan 39 different source energy templates simultaneously and send them to a target.
A number of filters and safeguards have been built in to protect you from transferring negative non-beneficial energies. The plate has a powerful scaler wave amplifier that allows you to connect up to the quantum grid Network assuring that all operations are powered to their full potential.
Mystic Cloner 2.0 Allows you to download a number of energetic attributes from a source and filter them into a target. Mystic Cloner 2.0 PRO scans for the following attributes:
1. Aura reading – The ability to perceive "energy fields" surrounding people, places, and things.
2. Automatic writing – The ability to draw or write without conscious intent.
3. Clairaudience – The ability to acquire information by paranormal auditory means.
4. Claircognizance – The ability to acquire psychic knowledge by means of intrinsic knowledge.
5. Clairgustance – The ability to taste without physical contact.
6. Clairolfactance – The ability to access spiritual or mediumistic knowledge through smell.
7. Clairsentience – (Latin: just knowing) – The ability to psychically acquire intrinsic knowledge.
8. Clairvoyance – The ability to perceive people, objects, locations, or physical events via extrasensory perception.
9. Conjuration – The ability to materialize physical objects from thin air.
10. Divination – The ability to gain insight into a situation using occult means.
11. Dowsing – The ability to locate water, sometimes using a tool called a dowsing rod.
12. Energy manipulation or energy work – The ability to manipulate physical or non-physical energy with one's mind.
13. Energy medicine – The ability to heal with one's own empathic etheric, astral, mental or spiritual energy
14 Levitation or transvection – The ability to float or fly by mystical means.Mediumship or Channeling – The ability to communicate with spirits.
15. Precognition or premonition – The ability to perceive future events.
16. Prophecy – The ability to predict the future.
17. Psychic surgery – The ability to remove disease or disorder within or over the body tissue via an "energetic" incision that heals immediately afterward.
18. Psychokinesis or telekinesis – The ability to manipulate objects with the mind.
19. Psychometry or psychoscopy – The ability to obtain information about a person or an object by touch.
20. Pyrokinesis – The ability to create and manipulate fire with the mind.
21. Remote viewing, telesthesia or remote sensing – The ability to see a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception.
22. Retrocognition or postcognition – The ability to supernaturally perceive past events.[
23. Second sight – The ability to see future and past events or to perceive information that is not present to the physical senses, in the form of a vision (precognition or remote viewing, a seer).
24. Scrying – The ability to look into a suitable medium with a view to detecting significant information.
25. Telepathy – The ability to transmit or receive thoughts supernaturally.
26. Thoughtography – The ability to imprint images from one's mind onto physical surfaces—such as photographic film—by psychic means.
27. Hydrokinesis—the ability to control the water element by the mind
28. Teleportation --the ability to move from one place to another through space and time
29. Apportation – The ability to undergo materialization, disappearance, or teleportation of an object.
30. Astral projection or mental projection – The ability to voluntarily project the astral body (consciousness), being associated with the out-of-body experience, in which the astral body is felt to temporarily separate from the physical body.
The longer you use this Radionics plate the greater the benefits you will receive.
It is recommended that you continuously use this product for 30 days in order to gain maximum results.
This Radionics plate is powered by quantum grid prime. One of my most powerful energy talismans.
In this holographic universe, everything is made up of energy that can be programmed with your intent.
The fundamental law of physics states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed only transferred. Use this Radionics plate to transfer the powerful positive characteristics of people that have the type of life that you want to live. Reprogram your holographic matrix so that you can live that life.
Morning with great power comes great responsibility
Publication and distribution of the ideas, theories, concepts, descriptions, processes, or instructions published in this book in no way represent or constitutes a claim that any product, system, or device manufactured or offered by Psionic Warriors, nor any other scalar, radionic, psychotronic, or free energy device, can have a positive, negative or any other impact on human health, or is in any way a replacement for or supplement to the advice or treatment provided by state and federally licensed medical and other commonly recognized allied health care professionals.
Psionic Warriors radionic instruments and accessories are intended for agricultural research only and can in no way treat any medical condition or prevent any human medical condition from occurring. All radionic rates, frequencies, and other patterns of information are compiled for historical, energetic, and/or experimental agricultural research only and are not intended for use with humans at any time.
More specifically, Federal law states that only a medical doctor and/or prescription drug is/are able to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure disease. All information and all correspondence verbally, via email, brochure, letter, or otherwise does in no way make any claims to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any ailment, affliction, suffering, or disease that any person(s) have had, currently have, or will have in the future. It is always recommended to discuss with your medical doctor prior to making any changes in diet, nutrition, supplementation, and exercise.
If you are in need of medical or mental health care please contact a licensed professional!
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This tool works well with other Psionic Warrior products such as the corporate overwatch, and Quantum Grid or Quantum Grid Prime prime. It also will work with other Radionics software as a filter or trend. This includes a number of software such as easy rad and cybershaman just to name a few. You can also use this with any Radionics box such as a rad5 machine, Hieronymous machine, Spooky 2, Lakhovsky MWO, chi generator, God Caster or any of Karl Welz Devices. This technology is license to the individual user and is not to be copied or distributed without the permission of the creator. The technology also contains a remote-off switch which will allow the energy from the code to be turned off if a violation of the license agreement occurs. If you need help or are looking for a custom energy image or spell casting please contact me. THIS IS NOT DESIGNED TO, AND DOES NOT, PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. ALL CONTENT (“CONTENT”), INCLUDING TEXT, GRAPHICS, IMAGES, FILES AND INFORMATION FOR GENERAL INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. THE CONTENT IS NOT INTENDED TO BE A SUBSTITUTE FOR PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE, DIAGNOSIS, OR TREATMENT. NEVER DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE, OR DELAY IN SEEKING IT, BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE READ IN THIS INFORMATION. NEVER RELY ON INFORMATION ON THIS PRODUCT TO REPLACE THE SEEKING OF PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY USE THIS WEBSITE AT YOUR OWN RISK. RESULTS BEYOND EXPECTATION, INC., ITS OWNERS, REPRESENTATIVES, AND AFFILIATES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE FOR ANY LOSS OR INJURY OR ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR SIMILAR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF YOUR ACCESS OR USE OF, OR YOUR INABILITY TO UTILIZE THE INFORMATION AND OPINIONS EXPRESSED ON THIS WEBSITE AND THE PRODUCTS SOLD THEREON THIS WEBSITE
Copyright © 2021, MoonShadow. All Rights Reserved. This content may not be duplicated without written permission from the author.