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Healing Labyrinth Power Sicker

What is a healing labyrinth?
Others practice yoga, hike to a mountaintop, or walk-in silence. A labyrinth is another form of moving meditation, spiraling its participants toward its center and back out again. ... Walking these circling pathways is said to bring great joy and inner peace, particularly to those in times of grief or confusion.


A labyrinth is an ancient spiritual tool designed to foster contemplation and spiritual transformation. Walked by contemplatives and laypeople alike for centuries, labyrinths are typically formed as a circle with a singular path leading to a center and constructed out of a wide range of materials


How do you meditate in a labyrinth?
 A normal labyrinth meditation consists of walking to the center of the circuit (also known as the rosette), pausing there in silence, and then leaving the way you came. Your inner work should mirror your physical journey: Start by looking inward and letting the world beyond the path ahead of you fall away.


Labyrinth can also be used for energy work to connect the users spirit and foster a path of completion. 

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