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Green Candle Money Magic

This Candle Is Going to Make You So Rich

All the different colors of candles stand for different things, and green candles are associated with matters related to work and money, like career success and creativity and abundance. When you light one, you’re supposed to imbue it with your intentions by thinking about what you want it to bring you. (I know all this because I once took a magic candle class there, ha.) 

The green ones, in particular, seem to work very well. One time my friend and I brought a green money candle when I was unemployed, and by the end of the weekend I sold my first e-book. I had been working on it for months, and no one had been interested. I really feel like the candle helped. This really change my reality and understanding in the way that the universe provides for those who ask properly.

Are use money candles every month to guarantee that I have plenty of money to do whatever I want. Provide for my family and for myself. 

If you're looking for a real game changer in your life this is it.

Buy Now!!!

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