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+$336 setup fee

Golden Tiger Circle Pro

If you're reading this message, you've been called to greatness. You found the golden tiger circle because you know you can make a difference in this world, and through training yourself and combining forces with others, your impact may change the destiny of generations to come.

It's time we all circled up to share why we're here, how far we've come, and where we're going next.

If you're just getting started, what questions do you have?

If you're a seasoned veteran of Mastery Ring One, what feedback and new insights can you offer to the faculty and community?

Have you ever wanted to be a part of something special?

Deepak Chopra talks about the power of group meditation. When you have more than one person meditating on an idea, it has a more significant effect on the collective consciousness. That's part of the reason "group manifestation” is a really powerful technique.

The golden tiger circle will be working on several different things as a collective. Working together to make all of us stronger, smarter, wiser, more powerful, wealthier, and healthier.

If you've been trying to do this alone and it hasn't worked, it's time to join the golden tiger circle.

Energy Hygiene Rituals


Energy Cultivation


World Work


Personal Manifestation Work


Group Collective Spellcasting And Intention Broadcasting It


Group Secret Knowledge


Shared Experiences



Energy cleansing is not something we do just once. It is an ongoing activity. Because most of us are not educated in good energy maintenance, as we walk through our days, we are bombarded with other people’s energy in the form of thoughts or emotions. If we could see all this churning energy that is not being managed but just flung all over the place, it would probably be like walking through a strange metaphysical stew. Your energy body is sticky, and things cling to it. If you don’t practice good energy hygiene, you will experience other people’s random energy clinging to you without you knowing it. That energy then affects you, perhaps even changes you, in ways you aren’t conscious of and haven’t chosen.

Energy Cultivation

As a group, we will get stronger.

Whether you are an acupuncturist, a massage therapist, a reiki master, an energy healer, a psychic, a yoga practitioner, an interior designer (who uses feng shui), a spiritualist, or even a pianist — you can benefit from learning about qi.

Shared experiences

Energy cultivation

Qigong techniques 1 (Discovering), 2 (Circulating), 4 (Gathering), 8 (Directing), and 12 (Transmitting).

Shared experiences

We will take time to discuss different experiences.

World work

In 1960, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi predicted that one percent of a population practicing the Transcendental Meditation® technique would produce measurable improvements in the quality of life for the whole population. This phenomenon was first noticed in 1974 and reported in a paper published in 1976. Here, the finding was that when 1% of a community practiced the Advance meditative visualization program, the crime rate was reduced by 16% on average. At this time, the phenomenon was named the Maharishi Effect. The meaning of this term was later extended to cover the influence generated by the group practice of the Advance meditative visualizationi® program. Generally, the Maharishi Effect may be defined as the influence of coherence and positivity in the social and natural environment generated by the TM and Advance meditative visualization programs.

Maharishi introduced the Advance meditative visualization program, including Yogic Flying, in 1976. Group practice of this program was observed to be particularly beneficial. Based on analogies to physical systems, scientists estimated that the coherence generated by group practice of the Advance meditative visualization program should be proportional to the square of the number of participants. Taking into account the “1%” finding, it was predicted that a group with a size equal to the square root of 1% of a population would have a measurable influence on the quality of life of that population. For example, a group of 200 practicing the Advance meditative visualization program together in a city of four million (100 x 200 x 200) would be sufficient to produce a measurable influence on the whole city; a group of 1,600 in the U.S. would influence 256 million (100 x 1600 x 1600) people, the whole population of the U.S.; and a group of 7,000 would influence 4.9 billion (100 x 7000 x 7000) people, the population of the world at that time.

The Advance, meditative visualization program, was practiced in large groups on numerous occasions in the following decade, and the first statistical analysis of the effects was published in 1987. These showed a decrease of about 11% in violent crimes in Washington, D.C., in total crimes in Metro Manila, and in total crimes in the Union Territory of Delhi. The p values (the probabilities of the observed changes happening by chance) of these three effects were 0.01, 0.005, and 0.001, which are excellent for results in social science.
Subsequent research has confirmed the existence and the universality of the Maharishi Effect. It has become possible to lodge a prediction in advance with the police and the mayor of a city and then create the effect. This was tested under the scrutiny of a distinguished review board in 1993 in Washington, D.C. The maximum decrease in violent crimes was 23.3%. The statistical probability that this result could reflect chance variation in crime levels was less than 2 in 1 billion (p < .000000002).

Not surprisingly, since the theory and the phenomenon are so new to modern science, the methodology of a study is subjected to rigorous analysis by the journal review boards before a paper on the Maharishi Effect is accepted for publication. As a result, the research is a gem of social science, not only because of its significance but also for the quality of its methodology.

Personal manifestation work

Group collective spellcasting and intention broadcasting it

Group secret knowledge

All Jedis magicians, sorcerers, visualizers, and meditators enlighten beans star seeds. Radionic operators, witches, and warlocks are welcome.

Rewards for joining

This is your chance to get instant access to:

Group zoom sessions with me and other radionic operators and magicians

Access to a powerful metaphysical casting circle
 Solve problems with money, health relationships, and legal issues.

Access to group healing
Access to group clearing
Access to a customize tasking plate.
$300 coupon off most products [ You must participate in at least two zoom calls to get the coupon]

Access to a customize tasking plate.

Pro users  $400 coupon off most products (no brainer) [You must participate in at least two zoom calls to get the coupon]

Pro users have access to all recorded zoom sessions.

Access to my sigil Library 

Access to my Secret Facebook group.

And MORE (you’ll get to see & USE the ENTIRE “behind the scenes” structure that I have!)

The first group zoom call starts on October 2

I only have a limited number of spots open, and they’re going out fast. I’ll have to shut down the link below, so check it out while it’s still live, and I hope to hear from you soon!

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