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Angelic Shield and Entity Removal

 Angelic Shield and Entity Removal

This digital talisman cast an ancient angelic shield that protects from negative entities and clears and protects you from all evil. The power in this talisman is incredible in these dark times when there is so much uncertainty in the world you need the tools and the power to stand strong protect yourself your home and your family.

This audio's sigil removes negative entities demonic presence clears blockages informs and angelic shield around you or your workspace.

If you work or live in a negative environment, this Audio Sigil can help to clear you of negativity. With the power of God and the angels, you can release yourself, your home, your relationships, and your workplace from lower energies.

All people are prone to absorb energies from world situations and other people's thoughts. This Audio Sigil helps you to work with the Beloved Archangel Michael to dissolve fear-based energies so that you can be at peace and able to focus on your Divine life mission.

This amazing Sacred image has Solfeggio frequencies embedded. It's potential to heal is matched only by your imagination and intention. Please play as often as possible throughout the year. Play it in any situation that feels dark. Play it as you do your meditations. Play on the best sound system possible.Expect miracles.

Audio Sigil clears energy and releasing chords, blocks, attachments and fearful patterns. An opportunity to re-connect with high frequencies, Divinity, and oneness.

The audio file and the digital sigil combine together to clear the way negativity negative life blockages and open your true life pathThe audio file and the digital sigil combine together to clear the way negativity negative life blockages and open your true life path from out of the darkness into the light.

Package includes:

Digital Talisman
Audio Sigil


Digita Phone Talisman

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