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One on One Session with Moonshadow

Are you seeking a deeper level of personal transformation?

Moonshadow takes on a limited number of private clients from anywhere in the world for one-on-one work. Through a combination of deep listening, identification of old patterns and blocks, and energy protocols that help to clear, release and evolve, clients can address and resolve their personal healing needs. The objective is to foster a deeper connection to self, and a more expansive relationship with the body, environment, and others.

Are Private Sessions right for you?

Working with Moonshadow in a one-on-one setting is evolutionary. As an individual seeking to evolve your energy and awareness, you may be interested in learning how to be more present, or how to resolve patterns, behaviors and limiting beliefs that inhibit authentic self-expression. As an energy practitioner, you may have some skills you’d like to amplify. You may have some gifts that are not being used with clients—or are being used improperly.

If you’re interested in working one-on-one with Moonshadow, here are some things to consider:

What is the life you wish to create?
What’s the difference between what you daydream about or imagine and the reality of your experience?
Where do you feel stuck or blocked?
What patterns do you continually repeat?
What habitual thought patterns cause you stress?
What emotions are unhelpful and born from habit?
What is limiting you? (Too sensitive, caring, emotional, conflict avoidant, depressed, anxious)
What baggage would you like to get rid of?

Energy practitioners may identify with one or more of these, and could benefit greatly from working with Moonshadow:

Do you have clients that noticeably affect your energy; either draining it or amplifying it?
Do you want to increase the number of clients you draw in?
Are you attracting the right quality of clients?
Are you able to discern between your client’s energy and yours?
Are you able to clear the energy between you and a client?
Are you able to clear the energy in your healing space?
Do you know what energy hygiene is and how to practice it?
Do you receive energetic information, “downloads” and other intuitive hits while working on clients? Do you understand the mechanism for receiving energetic information? Do you sometimes avoid sharing the hits because you don't know where they come from?

What can you expect from a Private Session?

Moonshadow will begin your session with a full intake of your current experiences, concerns and goals. He will observe your energy system clairvoyantly, identifying any unhealthy energetic patterns, blockages, self-sabotaging belief systems, and obstacles. These are the issues that prevent your ability to be present and aware, and to manifest via intention and understanding of self.

From his initial assessment, Moonshadow will provide you with energetic practices and protocols, and with the skills and knowledge that support you to clear, release and evolve. His role is to empower you with the tools for self-repair.

What is your role in the Private Session?

Be fully present; before, during and after the session
Be aware of the story you wish to change
Be committed to practicing and mastering the skills learned in the session
Be committed to evolving, growing and mastering your energy skills
Be aware that Moonshadow is there as your guide and support system, not as your savior
Be aware that YOU are the healer of yourself; you allow the transformation

What is Moonshadow’s role in the Private Session?

To be an active listener and hold space for your process, but to let you do the work
To remain unattached to your story in order to allow your forward momentum
To provide compassionate care through a sense of play, a deep honesty and direction that helps you connect fully to the process
To share clairvoyant perception and observe your energies, helping you understand how the blocks are holding you back
To provide helpful feedback that allows you to understand your inner energetic workings and how to evolve them
To provide resources, skills and resources that offer you continual evolution, help you find peer support and contribute to your self care
To provide guidance on your specific path of evolution
To act as an example of healthy boundaries, presence and energetic hygiene
To assist you with the clearing and release of blocked energies

What is your collaborative role with Moonshadow?

To make a commitment to yourself and this work through completion
To create a “wish list” of desired learnings, including energetic hygiene skills, channeling, clairvoyance, and consciousness studies

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